Thank You for Coming to 3rd-4th-Gen Live!! (Seimiya Rei) - November 27th, 2019

(original blog :

Good evening,
This is 4th-gen's Seimiya Rei (清宮レイ).

Thank you for coming on both days of 3rd-4th-gen Live!!
For those of you who came, did you enjoy it?

The Live this time was the first where the 1st and 2nd gen are not around,
so this time I felt a lot more responsibility, impacts, and lots of sensations.

There were lots of new experience for me, it was very enjoyable!
I moved up one level this time. It felt different ever since the rehearsal, where I kept on continuing to practice.
There were many things that I accomplish.
For the Live this time around, I set some goals for myself.
Being able to achieve those in the past two days really made me happy.

Also, I got to get along better with the 3rd-gens \(◜▿◝ )/!

I love performing in Lives. I wanna do it again.
The 8th-year Birthday Live has been announced as well, so from now on I'm looking forward to it ☺︎

I got a lot of pictures, so I will show them to you 

Before the performance, I wore the Guzu MokoMoko Parca together with Seira!
It's warm and looking cute.
We got a pair-look.

I practiced a lot together with Ayamen.
When I cried, she was always beside me, giving encouragements.
I'm really thankful.
Ayamen really helped me a lot.
Love you.

The strawberries were delicious as well ( ¨̮ )

The opening costume is decorated with blue and orange butterflies.
They represents the blue from "Sanbanme no Kaze" and orange from "Yonbanme no Hikari".
We got to have a new costume just for this occasion (˶ ̇ ̵ ̇˶ )
(I understand the "blue" one, but not sure about the "orange")

Thank you for these past 2 days!!
I shall continue to give my best effort so that we can meet again.

From now on, please keep on supporting me.

Well then, good night.

