HAPPY HALLOWEEN! HBD Yan-chan ♡♡ (Kaki Haruka) - October 31st, 2019

(original blog : http://blog.nogizaka46.com/fourth/?d=20191031)

Hello everyone,
This is Kaki Haruka!

Hiiiii ヒェッ('ロ'('ロ'('ロ'('ロ' )

On the latest Nogizaka Under Construction, we performed "Kakki and Sakura's Miracle Magic"!
I did a card magic, and Saku-chan did the "Cutting Kaki's Body Apart" magic (ง ˙˘˙ )ว

The picture above was from back during practice. Kaki was cut in half at the center (˶ ̇ ̵ ̇˶ )
I got cut in half, but after that I was returned back in one-piece properly ☆

Hahaha ハハハッ( ◜௰◝ )

Happy Halloweeeen ☆☆
Yan-chan HPB~☆ (for some reason she used HBD in the title, but HPB here \_(ツ)_/)

Speaking about Halloween!!
Thank you for coming to the individual handshake event!

I was so happy to receive many flowers!!!
Thank you very much (´・ ・`)(´・ ・`)

The handshake event was held close to Halloween, so we all dressed up for it~

It was really fun to wear costumes, since we don't usually do it~
Thank you very much!!

Yesterday, back in Nekojita SHOWROOM, I dressed as Little-Red Riding Hood as well!

⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Mayutan's Maid, Yan-chan's Black Cat, and Seira's Jiangshi were also really cute, I like them.

Uffuu ( ◜௰◝ )

Thank you very much for coming to the Live in Shanghai on November 25th/26th (October, she made a typo) !!!

I really-really enjoyed it!

It's my first time performing on Live abroad, as well as my first time having a trip overseas. I was really enthusiastic about it, yet was in a grieve anxiety as well.

It was the first time for me to fill in the position of other Senpai(s), so I felt a lot of pressure. I was thinking on just doing what I can, but in the end since it was my first, there was a lot of things that I have yet to understand.

In the midst of us, 4th-gens, getting a lot of problems and things to learn, the Senpai(s) quickly helped us around. They're so kind, I love them so much.

Thank you very much! Love you all.

Together with Takayama-san, Kitano-san, Shinuchi-san, us three from 4th-gen performed "Sekkachi na Katatsumuri". I was so happy to join in this unit. I'm glad to be alive..

The same goes for the fans in Shanghai. I really felt a warm welcome from the Shanghai fans. They listened to my poor Chinese, replied to it, chanting loudly.

Thank you very much! Love you all.

This would be the first time for me to perform a Live in Shanghai, and I was so moved from the warm welcom from Shanghai fans. It was really enjoyable!
Thank you very much!
I shall work hard to be able to do Live in Shanghai again!

(it's basically the same thing as the previous paragraph, but in Chinese)

Oh right, this is a completely different topic,
but now the BRODY magazine which got my gravure inside is on sale!!!
Thank you very much (˶ ̇ ̵ ̇˶ )

I made a promise on the previous blog to post some off-shots, so here they are!

It was really enjoyable!
Please have look ( ᷇ᵕ ᷆ )

It is the BRODY magazine where the girls from Sakamichi Trainee's are on the cover!
Please check it as well ( ᷇ᵕ ᷆ )圧

I was asked quite a lot about the Trainee's. In my case, before I joined Nogizaka46, I was a good friend with Yamaguchi Haruyo-chan!
I was a very shy person that I couldn't make friends with anyone at all. Even within Nogizaka's 4th-gen, I think I got to be close just with Sayaka at first, because when ordered in kana, our name is after one another (www) (so they will most likely sit next to each other in the early days)

ピエン(´・ ・`)

She's always saying that she loves me. Up until now, she has not been around, so I'm very happy now that she's here, ,
I love Haruyo-chan. I want to meet her, (´・ ・`)

( ˙̦꒳˙̦ )

And with that, here's the sudden Q&A Corner ( ー̀ ֊ ー́ )

Question! Kakki~, should you be able to transform to one of the Sailors (from Sailor Moon), which one do you want to be??
Tuxedo Mask (ง ˙˘˙ )ว
Capes are cool. I wanna wear a cape.

In between the 4th-gens, who smells the best? (well...)
Uh, I'm not sure! Everyone smells nice~
Mayutan got an adult scent, Yan-chan smells like a fashionable girl, Saku just naturally smells good
They all smells good ( ◜௰◝ )♪ (well...)

Do you prefer to watch movies in theaters, or instead you wait for the DVD to be released??
I guess I prefer to watch in theaters!
Most of the time I go by myself, or join someone else if I'm invited~( ˙˘˙ )
I cannot stand waiting for the DVD to be released ( ˙̦꒳˙̦ )
Anyone can ask me out to watch movies, it's OK~ (well...)

Who is your Oshi in Gakuen Handsome? For me, it's Shiga Shingo.
Is there even a need to Oshi someone from that? www www www www
Ee~ I guess it's Saotome Takuya for me.

Deliciouuussssss!!!!!!!! (I believe it's a phrase that the said character often says)

(`・ω・´) ← I use this kid at times. Please give a sound effect for it.

My Hero Academia (new season) has started, right? Is there any female student in My Hero Academia whose special ability you like?
For me, I like Yaoyorozu-chan's ability~
Having an ability which can let you make everything that you want is really convenient~
But Ochako-chan's ability is also good~
That's a dream for a lifetime~ to be able to float around~

What kind of oden do you like? For me, it's radish!!
I like radish too! What a coincidence that I like radish as well!
I like radish, egg, chikuwa, shirataki, and oden-kun~

What do you guys like~???

Your nickname now is Kakki~ for now, I guess, but is there any other nickname you would like to be called with?? Before joining Nogizaka, what were you called??
Even before joining Nogizaka it was already Kakki~!
Ever since elementary school, people always call me by my last name, although I dislike that name,
But during middle school, when I joined the basketball team, the team members called me with Kakki~, and it made me love my name ( ˙˘˙ )

That's why, I would like you all to call me with Kakki~ as well!

Kaki-chan, in between egg dishes, which one do you like the most? By the way, it's Egg's Benedi~... Egg's Bene~... Egg's~... Egg's Benedu~... uh... I like that "Egg's something" the most.
That, right? I got it, I got it.
Egg's Denebi~... Eggyu~... Egg's Bere~... Egg's~... uh... Egg's~... oh that.
I also like it.

I love Kakki~'s illustrations, so I would love if you can draw something!
That makes me happy!!!
I'm also thinking about posting an illustration. Should I be able to do it in the next blog, I will! (ง ˙˘˙ )ว

That will be all for this time!
Thank's a lot 

Thank you for reading this long blog as well today!

Tomorrow's Sayaka~! Yokorinko

Later then (*ˊᵕˋ*)੭ 

Kaki Haruka
