you can do it! (Tsutsui Ayame) - October 5th, 2019

(original blog :

It's Tsutsui Ayame.

(I took this one in a dark place, so the result was not so bright)

Did you notice any change in me on that picture?

The correct answer is...

I cut my hair!
They were cut exactly 15 cm(s) long!
Did you notice it? (to be honest, I didn't >_<)
I think I cut them for quiet much ‪‪☺︎‬
Before, they were quiet long, but now it's easier to dry them up~~

Change of topic.
The other day, I got to perform in GirlsAward!
At the stage, I wasn't nervous at all since I really look forward to it.
When we get out on the stage, by chance we got to pass by Shinuchi-san, and she said "Good luck!". It really gave me strength.
Due to age reason, it was a pity that I couldn't perform on the Live. However, my fellow 4th-gen members Saku and Kakki~ were showing a very cool performance together along with our Senpai(s)!

❁⃘ Regarding the Special Event
It was my first time, yet it was really fun!
It's a thought I had when I was drawing the portraits, but unexpectedly I'm pretty good in drawing portraits!
I believe I managed to draw the face features properly^^

I haven't played the pop-up pirate for quiet a long time, and to my surprise I was very scared of getting lost...
All my weaknesses were in the open...
Those will become a great memory for me.

Some pictures at that time

"May Sayaka upload this picture as well"??
Not "upload it", but "may I upload it"? Kind of weird. www
(I kind of gave up translating this part, not sure if I got the words correct in English...)

Back then, when I looked on my phone battery level as usual, it was 37%.
My audition number was 37, so I became a bit more conscious about the number 37 ( ˊᵕˋ )
From October, it will be 2 months more for me to be in Nogizaka for 1 year.
I kind of surprise on how fast the time goes!
Thank you for always watching over me.

By the way, two days ago was Saku's birthday!
As we're both from Aichi prefecture, we got to talk a lot ever since we joined.
I'm alwaaayss loving you ´`*
Hope it will be a great year for you, Saku!

(Rare picture of Saku-chan showing her forehead)

People who are showing their efforts are fantastic.
Chasing their dreams, studies, club activities, even in the smallest thing as well.

I think this happened when I was a 1st year in middle-school student...
I had a trip with my family to Tokyo. When we visit Harajuku, which at that time I can still count how many times I went there,  there was a young woman doing Live on the street.
She looked so cool there chasing down her dream, that I stopped to listen, and before I realized I was there for 1 hour already.

Even though the result that we get after trying so hard might not be the result that we are expecting, I believe there are people who are seeing us giving our best up until that point. One day, I believe they all will turn into something irreplaceable.
Thinking about that makes me wanted to give even more efforts.

Well then, that's about it for today.
Thank you for reading up until the end ´`*

"I can do it!" Having that thoughts in mind unexpectedly will make you really able to do so ^^

That was it from Tsutsui Ayame.

(you know, she might be able to be a motivator >_<)
(jokes aside, her blog always have a mature sense of positiveness)
