Woof Woof Woo (Kaki Haruka) - September 6th, 2019

(original blog : http://blog.nogizaka46.com/fourth/?d=20190906)

Hello everyone
It's Kaki Haruka ¨̮ )/

I was in charge for Nogiobi (SHOWROOM) on September 9th.
Everyone, did you watch it? ( ˊ࿁ˋ )

It was my first time appearing (in Nogiobi) so I was pretty nervous but it was fun ♪
Renka-san got to draw a beautiful portrait of me. I want to hang it in my room ‪(っ ॑꒳ ॑c)

I want to do it again~( * ॑˘ ॑* ) ❁

The Ping-Pong ball game was hard (∵`)

Well then-!
Nationwide Summer Tour successfully ended!!
It was my first (Tour) and it was really fun(′-′ 

Seira  ( ◜௰◝ )

Being able to stand on a stage in Meiji Jingu stadium, which is said to be a sacred place for Nogizaka46,
being able to perform in a Live with the Senpai(s),
Also, being able to perform on the same stage along with my beloved Sakurai Reika-san,
it was all nothing but happiness.

Thank you very much!

My time to have activities together with Renka-san was pretty short, but as the time went by my respect to her just becoming bigger and bigger.

I'm a very shy person so I didn't really try to have a talk with her, but I love her. From now on I will keep on loving her as well.

Thank you very much!


On September 4th, "Yoake made Tsuyogaranakutemo Ii" was released! (⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)ワーイ!

It's really a great song with all the charm of Nogizaka. It would be lovely if you can have it with you, so by all means, please!
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!!

For the promotional activity, I go around the country by myself to do campaigns,

I visited Tochigi prefecture on September 3rd~ 

Me who is about to eat gyouza.

I was happy to be back in my hometown!!
Thank you very much, everyone (´._.` )

Next, it's Fukuoka prefecture on September 9th,

Miyagi and Fukushima prefecture on September 12th,

Hokkaido in September 13th!

I'll be visiting you! ( ˙˘˙ )

I shall do my very best. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! ♪♪

Well then, now we shall have the sudden Q&A Corner!! (∵`)

Kakki, is there any place that you want to go to for a trip now?
I wanna go to Hokkaido! I want to meet the Shimaenaga and eat shrimps ❁❀

Kakki, which character is your favorite in "Summer Wars"?
I like Natsuki-senpai and Kazuma-kun!

How do you get a hold of yourself when you are lonely?
I will play Animal Crossing and have chats with the village residents that I randomly meet (′-′ )
The penguin named Norimaki always talked to me ( ˙˘˙ )

Kakki, which emoji suits you when fishing for Sea Basses in Animal Crossing?
┏( .-. ┏ ) ┓

In between Octopus-chan, Shrimp-chan, Yuna-chan, which one you like the most, , , ?
Yuna-chan ╭( ・ㅂ・)╮

Ah by the way, Yuna-chan cut her hair!!
She looks really cute! I really like it!!

Everyone, please come to see the cutest Yuna-chan ( ˙˘˙ )

What kind of superpower you would like to have? Such as flying or time-slipping...
I wanna have superpowers like Saiki Kusuo~
Coffee Jelly!~~~
(referencing an anime with Saiki Kusuo as the main character)

Show us your spirit about confronting Yun-chan's pet dog, Coco-chan
Woof Woofff Woof Woof Woof Woof, Woof!
Woof Woo, WooWooWooWoofff Woof. Woof Woofff!!!
Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof  (꜆꜄꜆˙꒳˙)꜆꜄꜆ 

Hahaha. Woof Woof Woof.

That's about it I guess!
Thank you for reading! (* 'ᵕ' )

Oh right, everyone, have you got any prediction on what will change with you when the dawn is coming?

For me, "I can sleep up until dawn".
(referencing part the new single title "Yoake made..." which means "Until down")

, , , ? ? ? ( ⚭-⚭)

Guess you all think like, "I see". www www

Everyone, how about you??
I want to know for just a bit www www

And then, the answer about the last photo (that she posted in the previous blog)!

It was back during the "3-Nin no Principal"!

Did anyone get it right? ( ˙˘˙ )ヘヘヘ

Tomorrow's Sayaka! I'll leave it to you!

Later then (*ˊᵕˋ*)੭ 


Kaki Haruka
