A Year Filled With Love (Tsutsui Ayame) - January 1st, 2020

(original blog : http://blog.nogizaka46.com/fourth/?d=20200101)

Happy new year everybody.

Being the first to continue the blog relay in this new year made me a bit nervous.

Did you have a good time during new year holiday?
I went back home to Nagoya!
Tomorrow, I'll be doing the Hatsumode! (visiting shrine/temple for the first time after new year)
I hope I can pull out the "great fortune" (referring to pulling mikuji. Paper written with fortune)

First of all, thank you for all of you who watched Kouhaku Uta Gassen yesterday.

Because of the time constraint, I couldn't participate in the performance of "Synchronicity".
While I understand that I don't really have a choice, I really wanted to perform as well.

Oh, it was so beautiful.
"Wonderful", "Lovely", "Beautiful", I'm not sure which word is right to describe it, but I'm really moved by the performance.
It's like the same feeling that I had one year ago, when I watched Nogizaka performing on TV in my grandma's house, thinking "how pretty they are".
Keyakizaka-san, Hinatazaka-san, and Uchimura-san also joined midway through the song, made it even more impressive!

I just want to convey how lovely it was.

Next, I was able to be there during the opening ceremony.
I danced along with Foorin for their song, "Paprika".
Oh, they are really really cute...
Just looking at the members in Foorin somehow just made me opened my mouth in awe (*´`)
They're really cute.
I'm happy that I was able to dance together with them.
It was great.

I'm so glad that I can perform in Kouhaku, a show which I always watch every year.

Together with Kakki~ before the performance!
This costume is really cute, right?

I wonder what kind of year 2020 be.

It will be the second year for 4th-gen members to be in Nogizaka.
There were lots of things back in the 1st year.
Of course it was not all happy things. There were times that it felt really hard, and I also had moments when I'm conflicted with myself.
But with those, I became stronger. I feel like I have grown a lot within this 1 year.
Even so, there were also lots fun and happy things in between those days, so I managed to hold up.
The fans noticed a lot of change in me, that even I did not realize by myself. They will come and tell me about it (in handshake events).
All of those really become my strength.
On the last national handshake event for 2019 in Osaka, they told a lot of things that made me so happy that I almost cried.
At that moment, thoughts came into me, such as "People can come and convey these kind of things because I put up efforts", "I did my best for these lovely people", and "For those who keep on supporting me, I shall give my best for the second year as well".

Becoming an Idol is such a great thing. Thank you for making me able to feel from the bottom of my heart, how blessed I am to join Nogizaka.

I wonder what is waiting for me in year 2020.
While trying to overcome lots of things, I also hope this year I can say "This year is a big success" as well during the new year's eve.

I hope year 2020 will be a lovely year filled with love for all of you...

Lastly, here are pictures from last year~

(Rei-tan is so Kyutt here)
(she wrote "kawaii" as "kawayu", so I just think of something to represent that... >_<)

(Flowers back from the handshake event in Osaka   Always thank you so much for the flowers!)

(A picture taken back during the Christmas party with Yanchan and Seira! It's one of my favorites)

(Off-shots from BRODY magazine which is on sale! By the way the station name that I point at there is "Station Asukayama". I was surprised like, "Oh, it's Asuka-san~!" ^^)
(the kanji is 飛鳥山 where you can read 山 both as 'yama' and 'san', so yeah, it's 飛鳥さん >_<)

Well then,
that will be all for today!

Thank you for reading up until the end ´`*

That was it from Tsutsui Ayame.
